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Mission trips



IWOH’s annual mission trips provide a unique blend of cultural exchange, meaningful impact, and unforgettable memories. Over the years, our efforts have centered on the northern region of Haiti, where volunteers engage in six days of high-energy, diverse, and impactful activities.

These trips are dedicated to serving the community through a variety of initiatives, including hands-on workshops and training. From arts and crafts programs to empowering women street vendors with new items to sell, and providing dental cleanings for underserved villages through our healthcare partners, we strive to meet the needs of the communities we serve.

Our mission trips are open to everyone, including individuals and collaborating partners in healthcare, academia, and leadership. Whether you’re passionate about making a difference or seeking to broaden your perspective, we invite you to join us.

Visit our website for updates on upcoming trips and discover how you can be part of this transformative experience!

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