Empowerment Through Faith and ActionAt International Women of H.O.P.E, empowerment takes many forms. It is rooted in faith, driven by action, and focused on uplifting women—single women, young women, widows, and those often neglected by society. For the past 13 years, our work has transformed lives ...
FUNDRAISER We have joined with Itiah Coffee Co, a coffee homegrown from the land of Haiti! Each bag of 10-12 oz coffee purchased, a percentage will be donated to our mission. Visit www.itiahcoffee.com and use code IWOH at checkout! Thanks in advance for your support! During the 2017 mission trip sho...
This year’s mission trip the International Women of H.O.P.E. has partnered with the Federal University of Pernambuco in Brazil (UFPE) , as they travel to Cap Haitian Haiti June, 2021. The students of UFPE will work side by side with students from State University of Haiti (UEH)(CHCL) Campus Henry ...
2022 Mission Trip to Cap-Haitian, Haiti January 2022, International Women of H.O.P.E. (IWOH) funded its first academia pilot project in Haiti. The University in My House also known as UFPE no Meu Quintal Project is an extension action of the Federal University of Pernambuco, in Northeastern Brazil....
How We Are Making a Difference Following the 7.2 magnitude earthquake that hit Haiti’s southern Peninsula, one of the most severely hit departments is Grand’Anse, it is home to the commune of Pestel. With a population of more than 44,000 people (2015 census) settled across 5 communal sections, the ...
As we celebrate the joyous season of Christmas, I extend heartfelt wishes to our dedicated Board members, valued Advisers, esteemed Ambassadors, cherished members, and our invaluable partners, donors, and sponsors. Your unwavering support has been the cornerstone of our mission, bringing Healing, O...
A heartfelt thank you to Cassandre and Kathy for their tireless efforts in securing donations, coordinating with shelters, and diligently preparing the bags. This morning marked the service to two shelters, with Cassandre initiating the process last night, serving Decatur. Gratitude extends to ever...
We are thrilled to share with you the moments captured from our recent fundraising event! Your unwavering support and generosity have left an indelible mark on our hearts. As we post these pictures to our website, we want to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude to each and every one of yo...
Alors que nous nous préparons pour le sommet à venir le 2 mars 2024, organisé par les Femmes Internationales De l'Espoir (H.O.P.E - Healing, Opportunity, Purpose, Empowerment), nos cœurs débordent d'anticipation et de dessein. Cette rencontre marque un moment crucial pour nous, les femmes leaders h...
Dans une récente affaire, les attaques diffamatoires dirigées contre Son Excellence Madame Dominique DUPUY, Ambassadrice et Représentante Permanente d'Haïti à l'UNESCO, ont suscité l'indignation et la condamnation de la part de l'organisation Internationale Women of H.O.P.E. Ces attaques portent no...