1 minute, 18 seconds
This year’s mission trip the International Women of H.O.P.E. has partnered with the Federal University of Pernambuco in Brazil (UFPE) , as they travel to Cap Haitian Haiti June, 2021. The students of UFPE will work side by side with students from State University of Haiti (UEH)
(CHCL) Campus Henry Christophe of Limonade. Students from various interdisciplinary studies will conduct community serivce trainings with focus areas in health, technology and education.
This program is designed to bridge the digital gender divide in Haiti so that women can use the advances in technology to compete for sustainable careers. We aim to empower women with computers and trainings, that will give them a successful advantage in the technology market.
You can donate funds towards the expense of the trip
You can donate funds for our Women in Tech Project advancing women in less developed countries