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The agricultural movement

Rose Vixamar

"We aim to elevate the agricultural movement to the next level, ensuring that families can provide food for their loved ones. Flore Ayï-ti Entreprises and Agro Tech Nord, together with IWOH, took this commitment and have been working diligently since January. Joining us are a dedicated team of women agronomists, including Agro Sinclus. We appeal to those who believe in our work to invest in this transformative approach. Nothing is more challenging than when a mother cannot provide a meal for her children.

At International Women of H.O.P.E., empowerment takes various forms, with education being paramount. We believe in teaching and instructing people because when one knows better, they do better. “The people perish for lack of knowledge.”We are unwavering in our commitment to move forward.

With Agro Sinclus at Flore Ayï-ti Entreprises and the women agronomists we met during our visit in IWOH, we are Agents of HOPE, Agents Of Change! striving to make a difference. #ServingWithGrace #ImpactYourWorld #InvestWithUsInAgriculture"#women #formation #genre #IWOH #Empower #Inspire #LegacyBuilders2023 #ImpactYourWorld #TrustAndRespect #WomenEmpowerindWomen #MenInTheCall #beboldbecreative ##WomenEmpoweringWomen #LegacyBuilders #ChangeThroughEducation


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