Monthly Spotlight
Community Outreach & Health Fair
Saturday, October 21, 2017
Time (12:00PM – 5:00PM)
Health Fair: 12:00PM – 2:00PM
Conference/Workshop/Discussions: 2:00PM – 4:00PM
Health Fair: 4:00PM – 5:00PM
The purpose of this event is to raise awareness, prevent and educate the community about the causes and effects of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) and what can be done to alleviate this social illness.
The Haitian American Nurses Association (H.A.N.A.)
The Haitian Catholic Community of Lawrenceville
October is Breast Cancer and Domestic Violence Awareness Month. IWOH continues to work in partnership with HANA to educate the community and impact their lives in many different ways. By doing these educational events, our mutual goal is to generate a healthy community, both mentally and physically. The Haitian Community of St. Lawrence also joins us in those efforts to better serve the community at large. My sincere hope is that many people will show up and take advantage of the services all three organizations will provide onsite. That’s one of the ways we strive to make a difference.
Dr. Natasha LaMarr Relationship Expert
Nadege Delva Legal Advocate
Coach Mark Life Coach
Yveline Alexandre Autism and Violence
Dr. Melinda Thrasher OB/GYN (Breast Cancer)
Marc Jean Pierre Chaplain
Dr. Wesler Devesin
Food + Beverage Coordinators
Tulia Eustache
Rolande Lauture
Stage and Audience Managers
Marie-Cassandre, Martine Maignant and Gabie Perez
Our audience will be divided into two groups (men and women, separately) to discuss the provided questions. Dr. Devesin and Coach Mark will lead the men’s group discussions. Dr. LaMarr and Marie-Cassandre Merizier will direct the women’s platform.
General Needs
Four private rooms to be set-up for the medical doctors (2), the breast exams (1), and onsite counseling (1).
Chairs and greeneries for the stage
Food and beverage donations
Banquet tables to set-up food stations.
Paper plates, cups and utensils
Tents for HANA
Table for IWOH’s information