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H.O.P.E. Center


Project H.O.P.E. Program (Domestic & International)

This program creates a platform for women of all ages to receive support that they may become strong mentally, spiritually, physically and psychologically. Many women face issues but have no outlet or support to handle them. We also provide resources that aim to change and transform lives. IWOH host monthly empowering nights where women of all economical background come together and support one another by sharing, encouraging and building confidence for their own well being.  Advocating for women experiencing social, physical, psychological, sexual and cultural crisis by providing nurturing assistance and guidance. Project H.O.P.E. provides leadership and entrepreneurship training allowing women to, learn about healthy life skills.

Annual Mission Trip (via Project H.O.P.E.)

Our main focus is on empowering the women and young women through education. We have been impacting the women and the communities in Cap Haitian, Carrefour, Croix des Bouquets and Port-Margot with tools and training's on leadership, entrepreneurship, arts for business, computer literacy and more. We also deliver school supplies, toiletries kits, medical supplies to support the communities amd the schools with great needs.

We need you to join us in the call. None of this monumental stance for change is attainable without you and our Agents of H.O.P.E.

When we empower women to protect themselves and their families from domestic violence, when we provide a start-up business to a struggling Haitian woman, when we provide a scholarship to prevent a child from dropping out of school, when we feed those in need, it is through your donations and support we are able to accomplished all those things. Empowering women through International Women of H.O.P.E also means to help women to be conscientious of the power inside of them. 

Moving forward we can use this force to solve the problems of violence against women, and change the children's future.